Tote Bag EroticFeel FeeltheFlowers Black English

Tote Bag EroticFeel FeeltheFlowers (English)

$7.75 $9.70
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That fabric bag you carry everywhere, for shopping and concerts, where you keep a book and your lunch box, the one that can hold anything from a kilo of oranges to a portable DVD, speaks volumes about you more than you think. A practical person, environmentally conscious, tired of contributing to the waste of hundreds of tons of plastic and carrying such heavy purses that you're practically sponsoring your physiotherapist's daughter's education. It says all that. And if it happens to be elegant and fun, it loudly proclaims that you have style, taste, and grace.

At EroticFeel, we want your tote bag to say even more, that sex is not dirty or sordid, that enjoying our bodies is one of the blessings of having them, that pleasure is as natural as pain, but unlike the latter, it brightens our lives. That's why we've created this fabric bag made of organic cotton with a minimalist design inspired by the most spring-like floral motifs. With the slogan 'Because pleasure should be compulsory,' this tote bag in white or black is all the luggage you need for your everyday life. And yes, my friends, we are launching our own production brand with this item, FeeltheErotic, a brand that we will expand with products designed for people like you, who live your life and sexuality on your own terms, without asking for permission.

Get yours and be exactly the person you want to be, free, sophisticated, respectful, irreverent, and witty. No more putting it off for tomorrow, saying "I have too much work" or "I have a headache," or a thousand other trivial excuses. If you don't postpone the heaviest tasks, why delay happiness then? You still have time to redeem yourself. Pleasure, wet, blissful, satisfying, should have a top priority in our lives. Mandatory? Absolutely.

Ref.: 1700881


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