Bijoux Indiscrets Slow Sex Nipple Play Gel

Bijoux Indiscrets Slow Sex Nipple Play Gel for Nipple Stimulation

£13.15 £14.05
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Bijoux Indiscrets


Oh the nipple! A source of so much pleasure and so much controversy. Despite the censorship it has been subjected to in the mass media this wonderful body part is — all on it's own — capable of leading us to the most exhilarating climaxes. Yes, you read that correctly. Orgasm can really be achieved through nipple stimulation. alone. What's more, recent studies have revealed that the brains of many women light up in the same place when their nipples are touched as when their vagina or clitoris is caressed. Why are we telling you this? Well, so that you can fully appreciate one of the latest products created by Bijoux Indiscrets. Nipple Play Gel with its metallic roll-on applicator titillates your nipples with a tantalising cooling effect.

How do you use Slow Sex Nipple Play Gel by Bijoux Indiscrets?

Apply a small amount to your nipple and you will begin to notice its effects. Can we tell you a secret? It's transferable. Just kiss your partner's nipple first and then wherever else your heart desires. To further enhance the effect, keep Nipple Play in the fridge for a few minutes before use. It’s magic!

This special nipple gel is made exclusively from natural ingredients. Paraben, sugar, gluten and lactose free; this product has not been tested on animals and is 100% vegan-friendly. Take care of your body and the environment, and enjoy sex properly, calmly and fully.

Main features of Nipple Play Gel by Bijoux Indiscrets:

  • Gel with metal applicator for nipple stimulation.
  • Cooling effect.
  • Kissable.
  • Coconut-flavoured.
  • Its cooling effect is transferable — from the lips to other parts of the body.
  • Made with 100% natural ingredients.
  • Paraben-free.
  • Sugar-free, gluten-free and lactose-free.
  • Suitable for vegans.
  • Not tested on animals.

As Slow Sex preaches — it's not all about the genitals. Don't waste the erotic potential of your nipples!

Ref.: 1700758


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