Secret Play Sex Coupons Languages: English and Spanish

Secret Play Sex Coupons Languages: English and Spanish

£6.25 £7.00
- 10% discount

Receive it the 5/24/2024 12:00:00 AM
Secret Play


Remember when you forgot your anniversary and hand wrote her a little piece of paper that said 'worth 1,000 hugs'? To you it seemed like you had gotten off the hook really well with this grand romantic gesture but in reality it was just a crappy way to get out of a jam. Is this the same thing? Absolutely not. Because for starters there's creativity here, something you limped a bit from. Let's see... the idea was not bad, but it lacked preparation, originality and presentation. So that it doesn't happen again, get the Secret Play Sex Coupons.

Secret Play Sex Coupons.

What are the Sex Coupons from Secret Play?

These are 50 checks with fun, daring and sexy options to turn any dull day into a mind-blowing one. With options as exciting as role-playing, as romantic as recreating your first date, or as daring as having sex in a public place, you will solve in one fell swoop the following birthdays, anniversaries and other special dates ensuring you also an absolute success.

The best gift for your partner.

The best gift for your partner... and for you, that in this gift you have to be practical.

Features of the Secret Play Sex Coupons:

  • Erotic game based on 50 checks.
  • Romantic, adventure and sexual propositions.
  • Mark the date you want to take the test and let the party begin.
  • All the texts are written in Spanish and English.

Ref.: 1701576


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