Here you have the first erotic toy created by Tenga. The Original Vacuum Cup, also known as the 'Deep Throat', is the most classic masturbator from the Japanese brand. Its simplicity never goes out of style, and the Tenga Vacuum Cup continues to be one of the company's best-sellers. Here, you'll find the original model and the special editions that Tenga has launched based on its flagship product. Rest assured, all of them will lead you to an inevitable orgasm after a unique stimulation. You've been warned.

The Tenga Vacuum Cup, equipped with an insertion mechanism called the 'Smood Pad' that makes penetration more comfortable and automatically distributes lubricant, features an inner cavity made of elastomer with a texture based on infinite knots and waves, and a compression zone that narrows in the center for hard and powerful stimulation. And there's more, an intense suction effect that you can achieve by removing the adhesive from the top and covering and uncovering it with your fingers.

Also, remember that Tenga Vacuum Cups are compatible with the Tenga Vacuum Controller, an electronic vacuum device that you can place over the masturbator to do the work for you. Forget about covering and uncovering with your fingers. This oral sex simulator will give you one of the best orgasms of your life. Are you going to miss it? Buy your Tenga Vacuum Cup here and go for it!


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